Friday, December 19, 2008

we're having a snow day!

Yeah for no school, tunnels, snow angels, eating snow (I think you can guess which kids liked which activities best) and most of all....yeah for a VERY white Christmas!


At A Hen's Pace said...

Oh, what fun!! Our kids enjoyed our snow day too!

I tried to email you back but it was returned. I would LOVE to get together in the New Year and catch up and talk about getting involved in the theater group we are helping to start!

Maybe email me at the address in my sidebar sometime in Jan--and I'll try you again too.

A blessed Christmas to you all!!


Kimberly said...

Lovely pics!

Cara said...

How fun! Wish we had some snow here--it has been raining instead of snowing. Very dreary. But we will get snow when we go to MI! Hope you guys have a great Christmas break!

Lisa said...

Cute photos! Teachers love snow days, too! Don't know if I told you how much Kaitlyn enjoys looking at Maddie's photos on your blog. I LOVED your Christmas card photo of the 4 kids, too, just precious. Your letter had me laughing so hard about Isaac, what a riot. Hope your family had a blessed Christmas together!!!

cheriepasbjerg said...

Love Maddie's comment about you being prettier, funny. If you are like me, I don't do my hair or makeup often enough so when I do everyone seems to notice, and I think "boy I must really look bad most of the time" LOL.....Merry Christmas my dear friend, thanks for the card those kids are just too sweet.

Cara said...


I'm missing your blog. Come back!