There are few people in life who can make you feel as if you have perfected the art of being. They make you wonder at the amazing truth that we are created for relationship--we don't have to "go anywhere," "do anything" except be here with each other and relate. We sure took our fill of relating to each other from their visit. They drove several hours out of their way to spend the day with us, and we decided rather than "waste" the day driving all around doing stuff we just wanted to let the kids play together and the adults have a chance to talk (and eat!). Our boys amused themselves greatly by digging holes (literally) and chipping "crystal" out of some old rocks in our yard.
The girls played dollhouse, giggled, picked flowers, traded shoes, and giggled some more. Cara and I talked for umpteen hours straight. The guys did go down to Trinity for a few hours but mostly talked the day away together as well. We finally hit the Kenosha museum late in the afternoon before eating gumbo together and then saying a joyous (because everybody had made such great memories) good-bye with promises of the next big gathering.
I can't imagine a more fun or more refreshing way to spend the day. And as Josiah said at breakfast the next morning, "Could they please come back for sixteen more days?"
Two tired and happy friends--we stayed up waaaaaay too late to maximize our short visit--and learned we aren't as adaptable to those late night talks as we were in our college days.
Now to get Cara blogging...
Really enjoyed the pics.!! Adorable kiddos! And I've had that Elliot quote posted in my room since Pa. days..challenged to really live it.
Thanks for the lovely comments--we had such a wonderful time being with you guys. I only wish, as Josiah said, "That it could be for 16 more days!" Love the pics--couldn't stop smiling at the wonderful memories. And as soon as I send this comment I am going to work on starting my blog if I can figure out how to do it.
Cam and Cade want to send a message to Cole and Josiah--here it goes: Dear Cole and Josiah, we wish that you could have been here in MI tonight. We rode bikes, found a dead snake, caught frogs, caught bugs and played. But it would have been a lot funner if you could have been here. We wish you could have been at the Whitecaps' game--they won and it was really awesome. We got cotton candy too.
Love, Cam and Cade
Awwww.... it makes me miss all of you so very much! I wholeheartedly agree with what you had to say about Jamey and Cara. Though I haven't seen them in years, when I last talked to Cara, it was as if we spoke every day. Would LOVE to see them again!
We are getting so excited to see you in about a month. I told the kids today that we would see you soon and I'm sure we will begin a "countdown" at our house. It's definitely time to catch up!!!!
Love you all bunches!
Nice to have such good friends! They look like a great family!
Ok, Jenny, I am started. Link to and tell me what you think. Of course I don't have any pictures up yet and I haven't written much, but at least I'm started. By the way, why don't you have any links posted on your blog? Just curious? I posted yours, Julie's and Sheila's for now.
Wow, it was sooo great to see them - it has been years! It cracks me up how many of us that went to college together went on to have four kids (or more) - a whole slew of us. If all those kids go to HSBC in several years they'll have to build a bigger campus. "-) Thanks for this post and pictures - I still say we need to have one huge reunion some day!
Nice to see pictures of Jamey, Cara and family. Can't believe that's Jamey.
Great pics! Brought back a lot of college memories! Old friends are indeed a blessing.
Jenny, Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! It was fun hearing from you!
That is neat that Jamey, Cara, and family got to come for a short looks and sounds like y'all had a great time together! That's great. I know what it's like to pack as much into those short visits as possible. When we have FRIENDS OR FAMILY COME AND VISIT US FROM THE USA...we like to stay up and talk all night too...#1 We're GLAD to see them, and #2 We're GLAD to get to talk to someone in Enlish. =) (However, Phillip and I are finding it's harder to stay up all night now too. In College it wasn't really any trouble. =D)
Take care,
Love, Heather =)
It was so beautiful to see pics of Jamey and Cara and their family!!! I loved what your wrote about them....they truly are soul mates! hear Cara's laugh! It makes me smile. I'll to immediately and check out her blog!! I am so glad you got a few minutes together!
Jen, How neat to see those two and their 4 children. Cara, you still look just the same! I have ofetn wondered over the years how these guys were doing. I will never forget their beautiful wedding in Michigan. When ever I drove home to Michigan I thought of them!! Thanks again Jen!
Jenny - I'm so glad you found my blog :) It brought back a rush of great memories. It's so funny how we forget about times in our lives until somone cracks the "gate" and then we get to walk through the garden of memories again! You have a beautiful family!!
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