Sunday, November 18, 2007

Jesse Tree

We're going to try to make one of these again this year. In all honesty, last year we kept getting behind, and then racing to get "caught up" so I think a lot of the devotions got crammed together and weren't able to digest long enough. This year, I'm a step ahead of the game in that I know how it works...and thought I'd pass it along to anyone else interested (thanks to Cara for sharing it with me several years ago!). My idea this year is to color/make all the ornaments on Sunday afternoons...then during the week all we have to do is read the devotions at the supper table and place the coordinating ornament on the Jesse tree. I'm sure there will still be interuptions...but at least we have a plan!

A basic article on why we create a Jesse tree

Printable symbols (but feel free to have your kids draw them originally if they are at all artistic)

Printable devotions


laura k said...

Thanks so much for sharing! I came across this in a book which I planned to buy, but now I don't need to!
We have always struggled to stay on top of advent devotions as a couple and now as a family. Things are so busy during the weeks heading into Christmas and it seems the novelty and material aspets of Christmas are everywhere. I am challenging myself (and our family)to slow down and say no to some things so that we can make devotion and meaningful family traditions a priority. The challenging part for me is the "saying no" part...finding a balance can be very difficult.

Kimberly said...

It really does make the season more special to "prepare" our hearts for Christmas...i even like the imagery of the days getting darker as we prepare for the "Light".(I heard that in church this weekend and liked it...not any deep reading I'm doing, for sure!:)
So good that at ANY level your kids are getting this message...Love Ya!

Tara said...

Thanks for sharing this, Jenny! I am looking forward to digging a little deeper into the article over the weekend. Always looking for good referrals like this.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! :)

julie f said...

Sounds like a meaningful thing to do with the Laura said, I really want to simplify this year so that we can really enjoy and reflect upon the reason for the season!

Love ya!

Julia said...


Thanks for the neat Advent idea. I strive to avoid the "commercialization" of Christ's birth for our boys. I made an Advent Wreth this year, but Micah thinks it's Jesus' Birthday Cake, so here's hoping he doesn't try to eat it. :) Perhaps a Jesse Tree might be a concept little ones can grasp more easily.

Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving.

kayla said...

Great idea! I'll have to fully digest the article later.
Thanks for sharing.

sarahmfry said...

I completely relate to the feeling of having to push to keep up with the Jesse Tree. For a bit after I read your post, I felt something similar to guilt...then I reminded myself that our traditions are to be fun and relaxed - not some "mighty mama mission" that stresses me out. So last year we just kindof did it when we did it, and doubled up sometimes. I feel like many times I'm training myself as much as the kids - learning which traditions work for us and which don't.

So I really like your thoughts and ideas. Bedtime for us is an assembly line of pjs and diapers and picking up toys and reading books....not the best time for a craft. But Sunday afternoon is a great idea. I wasn't sure what to do this year as I pulled out last year's Jesse Tree ornaments and Notebook. At this age, it has to be WAY simplified for all 3 kids to really grasp the meaning.

I'm still not sure if we'll do it or not. But I'm okay with that now. Yay, me!

jenny said...

No guilt intended! Anyone who knows me will hopefullly say about me...Jenny is an affirming person--not guilt inducing. It is one of my all time pet peeves when moms (we in the church are especially gifted) try to outdo each other with our superior mothering. Like I said, this year is our 3rd go round at attempting the Jesse tree...we'll see if we complete it this year. One of the reasons I keep coming back to it is the fact that it is a Word centered family activity...that it treats the Bible as a grand story that connects all the central and minor characters but culminates in the person and deity of Jesus.