Just wanted to share a few pics with a few of you that I know would have loved to be with us for Cole's b-day. We always make a cake together off of Family Fun because the cakes are fun and easy to do. They never require a special mold or cake decorating tips. This year, Cole picked a pirate treasure chest. It was fun to do together even if the kitchen looked like a cake had exploded in our kitchen after we were done (I had a lot of little helpers eager to decorate and of course dip their fingers in the frosting)!
Thanks to Aunt Beth for the National Park books. When the box opened, you can see Cole's expression at left as Josiah loudly exclaimed "Oh, my word!" It warmed my heart to see them so excited about books.
I hope you can see Isaac's look in this last picture, it is so intensely zeroed in on those presents and how he can get a piece of the action.
It was a day of blessings...remembering what a privilege these last 7 years have been, and a prayer for many more.
P.S. My dear sister, Amy, you blew us away by making a web comment. We know how very much that cost you but it did impress your nephew!! Now we are waiting for The World of Steve & Amy (blog) to hit eblogger...
Hi Jenny -
Although I've been reading your blog for some time, I've never taken the time to post a comment. However, tonight I just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed "catching up" on your family - you have such a beautiful family - and I thoroughly enjoy keeping in touch through your blog! :) Maybe some day in the near future, I'll set one up...it's only a matter of time util I submit to the peer pressure!! :)
-Liz Estes
That is very funny about the ivy wallpaper. We had that too and really loved it for a while but sure were glad to see it go. LOL
Cole looks so grownup!! I remember the 1st time Cole came to visit us in Cinn...a very tiny baby who brought joy at a very crazy time!
What a sweet young man he is becoming. Loved the pics..the look of excitement w/the books..and so glad your Mom is there! (really funny comment!) Love to all!
Hey Liz...welcome! You definitely should start a blog, I would love to hear about your life. Tell your folks hello...Tom and I have told your Dad before but it's worth repeating how much we both enjoyed his philosophy course we took at HSBC. It was a first for both of us and a great intro that got our minds to working. Tom to this day is still interested in the overlap between systematic theology and philosophy. Fun to think back to where we get our beginnings and say thanks to whom it is due.
William--I am so glad you understand. You have to LIVE in the ivy to understand the excitement of taking it down.
Kimber--waiting to hear back from you on the whole Jenell Paris/Driscoll thing. I remember that trip to Cinci well, too. I believe that was one of the first cakes I ever "decorated." It was a Easter bunny cake you make from 2 8" pans. I thought your mom would appreciate it and even though it was far sub par to her own skills she was very encouraging.
Happy Birthday, Cole! Although I've never had the privilege of meeting you, I know you have some neat parents! God bless you!
Jenny - How did "St. George and the Dragon" go? Did you have to pretend to be the dragon too? :-) Have a great day!!
Becca, it went well...thanks so much for recommending it. For anyone who hasn't already read St. George & the Dragon it is by Margarent Hodges and our library had multiple copies so it is readily available.
My question is what does the dwarf have to do with the story...he is introduced early on and than dropped? I loved the allusion to another perfect world but how we can't go there yet because there are battles we are meant to fight here in this imperfect world. Si loved the part where the Red Cross Knight cuts off the "paw" of the dragon--our book even showed the hacked off limb in the next picture.
How much fun! The tresure chest looked awesome! Jenny, it is such a joy to see the pictures--have fun with the wall paper. Uggg what a big job!
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