Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sara Groves,


laura k said...

How beautiful - thanks for sharing! Have you seen the Sara Groves Nomad DVD (her trip to Rwanda/Hurricane Katrina)? If not, I'll send it your way. It is quite inspiring! I was reading in my latest MOPSense magazine that she is expecting again. I've anxiously been waiting for a new album, but that may not be the case for a while now :) But who knows - she's pretty incredible that way!

laura k said...

Well obviously I've been out of the loop. I had a minute just now so I checked Sara's website and she had a little girl in July! And a new album coming in November!

Kimberly said...

So enjoyed this..inspiring.
If we can encounter the pain of another and not be changed, something is wrong, I think.

Also enjoyed the fun Sat. pics. Totally get the desire to be "at home" and glad ya'll are finding it. Love Ya!

Anonymous said...

Love Sara. Also enjoyed catching up on your life. I've been a bit disconnected for the last week. Great pics of the kids and your Mom. She's such a great lady!

Kimberly said...

You made me laugh to read of your "1 night career" w/the C. funny!! Even more amused that I made that comment on a Sara Groves post!!:)
Also love knowing someone else also very opinionated and inconsistent!

kayla said...

I am deeply moved. That was beautiful.
Love your seven facts. I too was greatly amused at your singing debut. What a memory.

Julia said...


I enjoyed your 7's list. It is an amazing woman who can take top honors in Chemistry and pass a hunters class as well. I remember once wildly impressing your man when he thought he heard me say my family had a cabin in the Ucon. He was gravly disappointed when I corrected him with U.P. :)