Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Cole! 7 years today

Words can't begin to say how much we love you. One thing we know for sure...you are a gift to us from God and we hope you always know how incredibly grateful we are to be the recipients of such a special gift. Growing up, all my birthday cards were always signed "Love & Prayers, Mom & Dad." As I got older, we girls would tease my Mom about her "originality" in signing cards that she had obviously labored over to find one with just the right message. Now that I have been a mom for a few years I totally get it--there are some things you try and try to articulate but in the end you just hope your kids know from the way you have lived your life for them. There are no words just love to describe that bond.


julie f said...

Happy Birthday, Cole!

You are one special boy! We all love being around you and have great memories of your kind, thoughtful ways! Tucker loves to talk about "my cousins", and we were all just thinking of you together as we were signing your card to put in the mail (sorry, it will be alittle late...).

We hope your day is wonderful and that you feel the love in our hearts!

The Frenches

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Cole Bear!!!

Aunt Amy wouldn't post a web comment for almost anyone else (with the exception of Si, Maddie and Issac)....

It was a very happy day when you arrived...and every day since it has been a privilege to watch you grow.


Steve & Amy

JenLo said...

Aww, what a cutie!

Mary Ellen said...

Wishing a handsome young man a ver happy birthday!!

laura k said...

Happy Birthday Cole Bear!!! You are looking SO grown up! We miss you!

Lots of love,
Jordan & Laura
Grace & Jackson

kayla said...

Happy Birthday, Cole from the Martin boys.
Jenny, reading your blog makes me realize even more how similar in age all our kids are. If we would have lived closer we could have gone through pregnancy together every time.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet boy! I remember us having our pictures taken together--each of us pregnant--mid summer that year.
I also remember talking to your mom on the phone a few days after his birth, she was so proud.
Much love to you!

jenny said...

Thanks to everbody for the sweet comments--Cole really enjoyed reading them yesterday!!!

Kayla--I had never realized that either. Had I known I'd of least called to commiserate in the 3rd trimester. Then again, I think you had far from normal pregnancies so I'm sure my complaints would have seemed trivial--which also would have been a good thing.