Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dr. Kinlaw on Promises

I have never had the privilege of meeting Dr. Kinlaw...but through my husband's interactions with him and largely through reading his devotional (This Day With the Master) I have grown to deeply respect this man, his writings, work, but mostly his journey of faith that he shares so freely and sincerely. I loved these words taken from a recent interview in The High Calling, a publication of the Francis Asbury Society.

I think there are some people who get specific promises, like the promise to Abraham that he would have a son. That was very explicit. I've never had those kinds of things. But that doesn't mean one hasn't lived on promises and out of promises. The kinds of promises that have moved me the most have been the ones like, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you." That means bread and meat and daily sustenance, all of the needs of life. Now here is how that has worked for me. I've had the privilege that, as I have moved around, I've never talked salary with anyone. The question was, does God want me there" And if He wants me there, salary is His business. I was indoctrinated in that way of thinking. I don't deserve any credit for thinking that way. I knew people who lived that way and it was impressed upon me. I can give you plenty of examples and illustrations of how God has kept that promise.

Another is "The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want." Now that's a promise, a promise about specifics: "He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside the still waters, he leads me in the paths of righteousness..." This connects with the promise Jesus gave concerning the coming of the Spirit in John's gospel, "He will lead you, guide you, direct you into all truth."

Father help me be:
A seeker first,
help me lay off my worries about daily stuff,
increase my faith in green pastures, still waters for all God's children around the world and here in our home...no matter what our separate circumstances.
Let me feel Your hand that leads us on...let us know (relationally) your truth.


Vonnie said...

Very refreshing!

VFrederick said...

Thanks for sharing these thoughts. I needed them today.

Anonymous said...

Good stuff!

Kimberly said...

It is true that if we try in our own strength to "provide" for others needs, we will fail. I like your point that if/when we can decrease worry and increase faith....then that "provison" will extend to others.

Also love Kinlaw (esp. the devotional) Thanks for referring him to me...it has been rich reading for me!