Thursday, May 1, 2008

a recent assignment

The assignment was to create an imaginary animal (right down this boy's alley) and his writing is in italics. He is spelling the "ok kindergarten way" where he is encouraged to try and spell phonetically the way he thinks it sounds.

My name is Zookeeper Josiah

Here is my Jagu-lion

It is big and red and orange.

It like to scerp chry byrc. (scrape tree bark)

It like to srich uat. (stretch out)


Kimberly said...

I'll be sure to watch out for these!:) What a fun post!

Vonnie said...

That is so cute!!

Tara said...

Great post, Jenny~

We'll be on the look-out as well for a jagu-lion; anything's possible in these here parts! :)

Anonymous said...

Really great! I hear that jagulions are nearly extinct. This is due to the fact that when they jump out of trees onto their prey, their manes often get tangled in the branches. So sad...

Anonymous said...

Great job, Josiah! If you ever see one of these in real life, will you take a picture of it for me please? Is it dangerous? ;)
Love you all,